Blogging on Facebook – What is Facebook Blogging, How to blog using Facebook

Filed in Social Media by on April 8, 2020 0 Comments

Blogging on Facebook – What is Facebook Blogging, How to blog using Facebook 

Can one actually blog on Facebook? What does blogging on facebook means?


Do I need to create an account on facebook before I will be given license to blog? And what does it take to blog on FB?

I know a lot of individuals are bothered with some questions about facebook blogging.

Especially for the novices, the questions above will be clarified as you read through this post.

This note is not specifically made for the new babies on facebook but for all who need info on how to go through with Facebook blogging.

What is Facebook Blogging

Facebook blogging is one part on the platform that enable Fb account holders write posts on life matters, hobbies, opinions, news, polities and lot more to keep readers or followers informed and up to date.

You can create a Page for your Facebook blog as it is an excellent way of making you keep your blog posts separate from your standard account.

By so doing, you will have access to stats you wouldn’t be able to see on your regular profile.

Facebook has a zone that you can make and as well share blog entries on Facebook by posting blog links to their update status or better still,

making a fresh note to publish once you have a newly published post, you can share there on the platform.

Blogging on Facebook – Important of Facebook Note to Blog

While you will be busy looking for a way to share your post, Facebook notes makes it easy for you to paste your blog content into a notepad.

There, you can enough editing if you so desire like formatting text using bullets, numbered lists, bold and italic formats which beautifies your write up.

With the use of the facebook note, you can publish a blog entry to achieve that, tap on “Write a note”, a blank note page displays once that is done, write or paste the content.

Once all is rightly done, tap on publish to post your blog content on Facebook and your friends can have access to it through your profile.

Facebook Blog Using Notes

Here is how you can blog on facebook using your note pad on facebook. with the steps below, you can achieve that at ease;

  • And then, click + Write a Note to create a blog post.
  • Once you are done click Drag or click to add a photo to add a cover photo. 
  • Click to add a photo to add a cover photo. 
  • Write or paste your blog content into the write up area. 
  • Then, select an audience for your blog post.
  • Once you are done, and ready to share click publish.

Also Read; Facebook Gaming- Facebook Gaming Hub, How To Go Live On Facebook Gaming Hub

How to blog on Facebook Via Page

Using update status method is the easiest way to blog on Facebook. All you just need to do is to

Creating facebook Page for blog Click Create near the top-right corner of your profile and select Page, Click Get Started under “Community or Public Figure.”

After which you will type the name of your blog into the “Page Name” field, Select Personal Blog as the category and Click Continue to create your page when you are done creating the page,

Go to your Page

Do that by clicking the small downward-pointing arrow near the top-right corner of the page and clicking its name.

Click Add a Cover to upload a cover image: The image you are adding will display along the top of your Facebook blog.

Click + on the profile photo to add a profile image :This one is made specifically as the image you created for your blog.

Click Settings: this is located near the top-right corner of your page. This is where you’ll find all of your page options.

Customize your Page: here is how to customize your page since you have created the page and your page is public if you not want a blog immediately,

click Edit next to “Page Visibility” and set it to Page Unpublished and publish once you are ready to make it public.

To disable visitors, click Edit next to Visitor Posts, select Disable posts by other people on the page, and then click Save changes after that,

click  Messaging tab on the left panel to choose how people can contact you on the blog.

On the left panel click Templates and Tabs to select a theme and customize tabs.

Click Page at the top-left corner to return to page

At the top of your page beneath cover image, click write a post to create your first post

Create your blog post; here, if you feel that the space to write your post is small text editing app like Pages, Notepad even microsoft could be of help once text have been created:

  • Add media, by clicking MacButton|Photo/Video .
  • Click Feeling/Activity to let you readers know what you’re doing.
  • Click Preview at any point to see what your live post will look like.
  • If you want to schedule this post to go live at a specific time, click the Share Now menu, select Schedule, and then make your selection.

Click Share Now to share your post and click share: Share on Your Timeline and Share in a Private Message to reach others.

Click the Insights tab to monitor your blog’s stats: This make you know how many readers you have, know your popular posts and the post engagement.

After you might have published your post your post will be seen by friends so with that the topic of today is achieved.

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