Create Free Pinterest Account-Pinterest Free App for Business-All you Need to Know

Filed in Social Media by on August 19, 2018 0 Comments

Create Free Pinterest Account …This is a website that comprises of millions of users,

it aids its users to share images and videos from around the world which can only be possible when you create a pinterest account.

Create Free Pinterest Account

Thus, the app remains one that is created with list of ideas which offers you a virtually all sort of images/photos you will love and value.

Pinterest user can pin once idea to your wall as well organize it into sections. More so, photos uploaded by pinterest users are called Pins.

so, this may be organized into pinboards, which may be customized, themed and followed by other users. Users can also like or repin content shared by other pinners.

Methods of Creating Pinterest Account

In signing up for this printerest account, one have three (3) different choices which include the following Facebook Account information, twitter Account info, and also, creating a new printerest account

Note; Whichever way  you would like to you sign up, you’ll need a username. Thus,  this  username must be unique but you can change it as time later on.

You can have three to five characters in your Pinterest username, but no punctuation marks, dashes or other symbols is allowed

How to Creating a Pinterest Username and Account

Generating this is pretty simple if you want to create a new account other than using your already existing account like Facebook or twitter as mentioned , Pinterest will require you to confirm your email address.

  • Once that is done, look for the confirmation message that Pinterest sent you in your mail box.
  • The information, contain a confirmation link
  • Go ahead and click on the link which will take you back to comcomplete your pinterest sign up.

To me, is a good idea to create pinterest new account, but if you feel you don’t want a new acc, ​you must provide Pinterest with your login to either

your existing Facebook or Twitter account, including your personal login name and password.

Reason why is good to use your FB or twitter details is that you already have friends but creating a new pinterest account

you will basically be starting over in finding new friends on Pinterest. Another advantage, of course, is it’s easier to remember one login than two.

Important, you can always add your Facebook or Twitter IDs to your Pinterest profile later, by going into account settings and clicking the “on” button next to Twitter or Facebook.

Also Read; Pinterest Ads Manager – Advertising on Pinterest, Promote videos on Pinterest

Create Free Pinterest Account / Is Your Pinterest Username  Part of Your Pinterest URL?

A unique URL or Web address for your Pinterest page will be created from the pinterest user name you selected, e.g

In each case, your username forms the last part of your URL.

In this example, the username obviously is minalinanPinterest will let you know if any particular username you want is already taken.

You can easily change your Pinterest username or email address later by going into your account settings and typing a new one.

At the process of creating a new account, Pinterest will obligingly imply you create an image “board” or two where you can “pin” or save images once you get going.

Here, it is vital you click to create those boards. You can easily edit them later, giving them titles that reflect whatever purpose you may conceive,

such as collecting visual ideas for a home decorating project or planned vacation.

Pinterest Account For Business

Special pinterest account sign up for business is been offered by pinterest to companies…

Organizations can sign up for a unique free business account that offers few essential things like

the use of buttons and widgets this is for companies who want to image sharing site.

Companies that want to use the image-sharing site have the option of signing up for a special, free business account that confers a few

advantages, such as the use of buttons and widgets. Pinterest offers a special sign-up page for business.

Browsing Pinterest Image

One can browse its image collections, but only people who become members, establish a Pinterest username and register for a free Pinterest

account can post and comment on pictures, and start pinning, organizing and sharing images on the virtual pinboard system.

So there is strong incentive to join rather than just lurk.

Even without a membership, of course, you can still browse Pinterest’s image boards and explore any Pinterest board by topic.

The photography channel, for example, has gorgeous photos. Travel and Outdoors do, too.

Pinterest App Download

How to get your pinterest app icon when you cant see it from your home screen on your android device, what to do to retrieve it back

  • Firstly, in your play store go to my apps and game and verify is up to date click update
  • Secondly, navigate to your device home screen
  • Click on Apps
  • Check pinterest in the list of Apps
  • Lastly, tap and hold the app and slid it to your home screen its done

Thanks for Reading…

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