Delete Facebook Group – How to Delete Group on Facebook-Guideline

Filed in Social Media by on July 30, 2018 0 Comments

Delete Facebook Group…Facebook group is a means of different persons coming together from diverse part of the world with the same vision and goal to discuss and learn more from one another. Thus, in this article, you will get to know how to delete this facebook group. 

These group could be religious, marketing group, fashion, educational etc. follow the procedure below to get facebook group permanently deleted

Delete Facebook Group – How to Delete Group on Facebook-Guideline

Every user on Facebook is left with their opinion on the groups they join and may also want to leave the group for reasons best known to them. Now, let’s talk about How to Delete Facebook Group which is our case study for today. The following steps should be observed on How to Delete Facebook Group.

  • Locate the group you want to delete on your Facebook page
  • Tap on ‘Members’ at the left of your page
  • Then tap next to every member’s name
  • Choose ‘Remove from Group’
  • Finally, tap on ‘Leave Group’.

Delete Facebook-How to Eliminate Group Conversations On Facebook

For you to fully delete all about a group, you may want to clear all interactions on that particular group. You need to know how this is done on Facebook just in case the need arises. Note, if you are not the group admin, it is impossible to delete conversations on a Facebook group except you are the admin and to do this follow these step;

  • First of all, go to your group chat conversation tab
  • Secondly, to the ‘Action drop-down’
  • Also, click ‘Delete Messages’
  • click the messages you wish to delete
  • Finally, click ‘Delete’

Thanks for Reading…


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