Digital Extremes Ltd – How to Sign Up, Digital Extremes Warframe Sign In

Filed in REVIEWS by on June 11, 2020 0 Comments

Digital Extremes Ltd – How to Sign Up, Digital Extremes Warframe Sign In

Digital Extremes is a Canadian video game developer founded in 1993 by James Schmalz.

They are best known for creating Warframe, a free-to-play cooperative online action game, and co-creating Epic Games’ Unreal series of games. Digital Extremes is headquartered in London Wikipedia.

Connect with Digital Extremes Ltd directly online using their official website right on the platforms, there are several sections that are specifically meant for users to utilize.

As a user one thing you wouldn’t avoid to miss is the New sections as it is where you can have access to  news relating to the company on the release of new games, console and more.

Accessing the news sections requires nothing from you only but your connection to the internet, then you can follow these procedures below to get access. All you need do is;

Visit Digital Extremes Ltd. Official via

Once you are there, tap on the “news” link and wait a few seconds.

After that, you are taken to the news section also on the section, you can find different categories of which the news section was categorized into by the left side bar if seen, tap on the category to read news based on that category.

How to Create Account with Digital Extremes Ltd and Join Warframe

Still on the digital extremes features the games is one of the feature also find on the platform.

Since is meant for users, you can play the game for free on the platform there are morethan forty million players in the fast-paced third-person action shooter game for you to access the game.

  • Visit then locate and tap on the “Warframe” link.
  • Tap on the “Play Free Now” button on the warframe section.
  • Select the device you want to make use of in playing the game and tap on it.
  • Enter your email address, Alias and account desired password.
  • Tap on the checkbox saying “I am over the age of 16 and agree to the Terms of Use & Privacy or have parental consent”.
  • Complete the reCAPTCHA if displayed to you and tap on the “Join Now” button.

Above is how to can create an account and join the warframe for free.

How to Login Digital Extremes Ltd Warframe

However, if you already have an account, all you need to do is sign in.

  • Visit the official web page and then, tap on the “Warframe” link and you should be taken to the warframe section.
  • Also find and tap under the “Already have an account? Click here.” link under the “Play Free Now” button.
  • Enter your account login details and tap on the “Join Now” button.
  • Complete the reCAPTCHA if shown to you to confirm that you are not a robot and tap on the “Log In” button.

Also Read; Ellucian Software – Ellucian for Colleges and Universities, All you Need to Know

Digital Extremes Ltd Warframe Game Download

You can download the game on your PC if you haven’t done that already.

Since downloading the game on your device is free, that means we do not have a problem here.

 All you have to do is tap on the Download button after you have signed in your account and is done.

Digital Extremes Ltd Merch

The Merch section of this platform is the store where you can get everything you need on Warframe. Follow the steps below to access it.

  • Go to the platform official site using the web address
  • Tap on “Merch” from the top of the screen and you would be taken to the store.

Above is how you can access the warframe store using the platform. The same account you created earlier is what will be used in accessing the store so be sure to create your account.

Digital Extremes Ltd Careers

If you have a dream to pursue a career with the company or even work for them, then the career section is the page you want to visit.

  • Go to the platform official website using the web address
  • Locate and tap on the “Careers” link.

Above is how to access the careers section of this amazing platform.

To Know About Digital Extremes Ltd

Using the link below, you can access the about us page by visiting the website using this link Once there, Tap on the “About” link at the top of the page.

How to Contact Digital Extremes Ltd

For you to contact Digital Extremes Ltd follow this guided steps below;

  • Visit and then, tap on the “Contact” link and you would be taken to a new webpage.
  • Fill the form by entering your name, email address, the subject of your inquiry, category and then the message.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA if displayed to you and hit the “Submit” button.

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