Gmail Mail – Create Gmail Account – Access via iPhone Mail

Filed in Social Media by on July 30, 2019 0 Comments

Create Gmail Account – Access via iPhone Mail

If you like the velocity  of a email application, value recognition and finess. Its simple to get right of entry to a Google Apps e-mail account in iPhone Mail.Gmail Mail

Similarly to adding Gmail as an IMAP or POP account as explained underneath, you can additionally add Gmail as an alternate account.

This enable Gmail send new messages to iPhone Mail but additionally, it works for one account only and could update your current alternate account.

How to Access Gmail in iPhone Mail VIA IMAP

To Generate IMAP access to Gmail in iPhone Mail all you need do is To:

  • Ensure you enable your IMAP access for the Gmail account.
  • Then, tap NEXT, Add your  Gmail password, and tap  NEXT.
  1. But once you have Two-step authentication enabled for your Gmail account:
    1. Type in the code created by Google Authenticator or received via SMS text message. Then tap NEXT.
    2. Here, you are likely to also receive a push notification from your Gmail app or other Google-associated apps to prove you are the person login in.
  2. Ensure sure Mail ​is enabled.
  • If you are a user, you can enable ContactsCalendars and also Notes, of course, to set up access to your Gmail address book and Google Calendar in iOS as well as synchronize notes through your Gmail account correspondingly.
  1. Next on the line is to Tap Save.
  2. Once is done, Press the Home button.

Once your gmail account has been set to work with other email addresses, you can also use it to send from iPhone Mail. To move messages, you can stylishly mark messages as spam, apply labels and more.

Guide to Access Gmail in iPhone Mail Using POP

To create a Gmail account in iPhone Mail:

  1. You have to ensure your POP access is enabled for your Gmail account.
  2. Secondly, tap Settings on the home screen of the iPhone.
  3. Again tap Passwords & Accounts.
  4. Tap Add Account.
  5. The, select other.
  6. Then, tap Add Mail Account.
  7. Type in your name.
  8. Type in your full Gmail email address and password.
  9. Tap Next.
  • At present tap POP
  • Then, enter for Host Name under Incoming Mail Server.
  • Enter your full Gmail address for User Name under Incoming Mail Server.
  • Type for Host Name under Outgoing Mail Server.
  • Then, tap your  email address under User Name for the Outgoing Mail Server.
  • And enter your Gmail password again for Password under Outgoing Mail Server.
  • Then, tap Save.
  • At the moment, tap the newly added Gmail account.
  • Again tap under Outgoing Mail Server.
  • Choose again under Primary Server.
  • Enter 465 under Server Port (instead of what may be present).
  • Finally, tap Done.

Google Apps Account in iPhone Mail Guide to Access

For you to set up a Google Apps email account in iPhone Mail or a Gmail account that does not work with the default setup and settings follow guide;

  • Ensure POP access is enabled for your Google Apps or Gmail email account.
  • Secondly, tap Settings on the iPhone Home screen.
  • And tap Passwords & Accounts.
  • Then tap on the Add Account, tap Other.
  • Ensure POP is selected.
  • Enter your name under Name.
  • Then, your full Gmail or Google Apps email address.
  • Type Google Apps under Description.
  • Beneath the Incoming Mail Server:
    1. Type in under Host Name, Then enter recent: after which you enter  your full email address under User Name.

Note: If your address is, for instance, type “”.

    1. Enter your Gmail password under Password.
  • Underneath the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
    1. In put “” under Host Name.
    2. Then enter your full email address under User Name including your domain name.
    3. Enter your Google Apps password.
  • Then, Save.

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