Google Analytic Account – How to Gain Access to Google Analytic, Login

Filed in Social Media by on July 20, 2024 0 Comments

Google Analytic Account  – How to Gain Access to Google Analytic, Login

Google analytic Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google it is one of the well known advanced insightful software. The google service is a free web tool that permits you to break down or analyze insights concerning the visitors on your site.

Google Analytic Account


It tracks and reports site traffic, furthermore empowers the social affair of information utilized from iOS and Android applications.  in this article we will to walking you through on Google Analytic Account creation, sign up/sign in guide and lot more. So, stay with us till the end to get the gist.

Google Analytic Account – How to Create a Google Analytics Account

Creating a google analytic tool is quite easy. Here, are the steps to create and set up a Google Analytics account:

Sign in to Google Analytics:

  • Visit Google Analytics website.
  • Then, sign in with your Google account.

Once you are done signing in, set up a Property in Google Analytic:

  • Once logged in to your google account, click on the “Admin” gear icon at the bottom left.
  • Next, click “Create Account” in the account column thereafter, input an account name and configure the data sharing settings as desired.
  • Click “Next” to add a property to the account . That’s it.

How to Configure Property Settings on Google Analytic;

This is a  step by steps guide to configure property setting

  • Firstly, input a property name e.g., the name of your website.
  • Secondly, choose your reporting time zone and currency and then, click “Next.”

How to Create a Reporting View:

To set up your reporting view, provide a name for your reporting view, configure the settings as desired (e.g., include or exclude certain data) and click “Create.”

Google Analytic Account – How to install the Tracking Code

Getting the Tracking ID:

In the property settings, click on “Tracking Info” and then “Tracking Code.”

Copy the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) provided.

How to Add the Tracking Code to Your Website:

Paste the Global Site Tag into the <head> section of every webpage you want to track.

Save and publish your changes.

Verifying the Setup

Check Real-Time Data:

Go to the “Real-Time” section in Google Analytics.

Verify that you can see active users on your site, which indicates the tracking code is working correctly.

Setting Up Goals (Optional)

Define Goals:

  • In the “Admin” section, go to the “View” column and click on “Goals.”
  • Click “New Goal” and follow the setup wizard to define specific goals (e.g., form submissions, purchases).

Helpful Tip

 You can link Google Analytics with Google Ads, Search Console, and other Google services for enhanced insights. You can also, utilize custom reports, segments, and dashboards to tailor the data to your specific needs.

with the above guide, you will be able to have a fully functional Google Analytics account tracking your  traffic and providing valuable insights to your website.


Hope this was helpful.


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