Google Class–How to Join a class and Use Google Class, Google Classrooms

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Google Class –How to Join a class and Use Google Class, Google Classrooms

Google Class, can also be termed as Google Classroom. It is said be be  a  free collaboration tool that is fashioned for both teachers and students as it enable them save time,

Google Class

Google Classroom makes teaching more productive and meaningful by streamlining assignments, boosting collaboration, and enhancing communication.

In as much you have an internet connecting device,Google account, and schools must register for a free Google Apps for Education to use the classroom.

Thus, making use of these feature is totally free and does not cost a thing expect those mentioned lets read through to get full details to what google classroom entails.

Google Class

Google Class is a free service that is designed by Google for students and teachers providing conducive  environment for learning to take place regardless of your location.

The tool reduces the stress in creating, grading and also distributing assignments thereby, simplifying it via electronic method just with your brows able device.

With Google class Learning is made easy no more carrying a whole lot of different books for each class around. Leaning is paperless at this point .

As a result, the feature, aims at streamlining the process of sharing files from teacher to student verse versa.

In a nutshell, google class as free web service, aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way. 

Google Classrooms 

As a free collaboration tool  for both teachers and students it can be utilize by teacher to create an online classroom.

There, a teacher can invite students to the class then create and distribute assignments.

Thus, google classroom as a tool is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.

Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect within and outside the school.

Google Classroom combines Google Drive for assignment creation and distribution.

Then Google Docs, Sheets and Slides are combined for writing, Gmail for better communication and the Calendar for time schedules.

The classroom is made in such a way that, students can be invited by instructor to join a class using a private code or by automatic ivitation from the domain.

Thus the service, each class creates it separate folder in the user’s Drive which students can submit their work to be graded by a Teacher.

Also Read: Google Applications – Google Products, List of Google App Software

Google Classroom App

Google Classroom is obtainable on Android and iOS devices in order to download the app,

follow the guided steps to get the app installed direct to your device;

·  Launch your Google Play Store or Apple App Store and use the search box to input Google Classroom.

·  From the results that would be displayed, tap on the first one to load its information page.

·  Then tap on “Get” or “Install”.

Accept the permissions requested by the app on your Android device to commence the downloading.

Functions of Google Classroom

Being free service provided for schools, non-profits and anyone with a personal Google Account.

it has a lot to be benefited from user will never regret using these very feature because it saves time,

help teacher communicate with students from anywhere and also make them well organised.

  • With google classroom, account set up is pretty easy
  • Once you start using these account it will save your time and reduce stress.
  • It enhances communication for better result.
  • It makes collaboration easy teachers can collaborate on your team, in your building distance learning by sharing folders in Google Drive.
  • It separate instruction by creating folders with designated levels of access.
  • Monitor assignments with Google Classroom.
  • Secure and affordable and it help one be more organised

Google Classroom create a class

Creating a class as a teacher is simple and as a teachers you will have to first of all create a class for each classes they teach and then invite students.

Once the class has been created, you can give assignment and also circulate info by posting announcements to students in the class.

If you are above 13 you can create a class using a personal Google Account. 

However, if your school has a G suite for Education account, you should use that email to create your classes.

How to Create a Class on computer Device

  • And click Add Create class.
  • Then type in the class name.
  • After that, enter a short description, grade level, or class time, click Section and enter the details.
  • Then, click Subject and enter a name, or click one from the list that appears when you enter text. i.e to add a subject which is optional
  • Enter the location for the class, click Room and enter the details which is optional
  • Once you are done click Create.

How to Create a class on Andriod Device

  • Tap Classroom
  • Tap Add   Create class.
  • Type in the class name.
  • Then enter a short description, grade level, or class time, tap Section and enter the details optional
  • Enter the location for the class, tap Room and enter the details OPTIONAL
  • Tap Subject and enter a name.
  • Finally, tap Create.

Once a class is been created, Classroom automatically creates a class code. that will be used by you to  invite students to the class. You can always view the class code on the Stream page.

How to Invite Students or Group of Students?

In order to invite a group of students, you can use a Google Groups email alias.

and you do not have to be a member or a owner of the group, but you must be able to view group members and view email addresses.

If you can’t see this information, contact your administrator to change the permissions.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the class you want to add students or a group of students to.
  3. At the top, click People  Invite students 
  4. Enter the student’s or group’s email address.
    As you enter text, an autocomplete list might appear.
  5. Under Search results, click a student or a group.
  6. (Optional) To invite more students or groups, repeat steps 4 and 5.
  7. Click Invite.

After you email the invitation, the class list updates to show the names of invited students.

How to Join a class and Use Google Class

Login with your mobile phone or computer gives you access to join classes once that happens, you can then get work from your teacher and communicate with classmates. Here, classes are sync across other devices.

The process of joining the class can be done through two means which are;

  • Accepting an invitation from a Teacher
  • Joining with a class code.

To join a classroom via a teacher’s invitation, open the app and tap on the Classroom. On the class card, tap on “Join”.

While joining via a class code involves heading to the classroom. Then tap on “+ Add” > “Join Class”. Input the class code that was given to you by the teacher and tap on “Join”.

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