Google Voice Search – How to Use Google Voice Search

Filed in Social Media by on February 26, 2020 0 Comments

Google Voice Search – How to Use Google Voice Search

Google voice search is a way of searching on Google using your voice instead of typing.


Google voice search feature was initially designed for impaired people.

If you are temporarily or permanently disabled (can’t move your hands etc.). Or you can’t type with your hands then you can use google voice search.

Google was found by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were still doing their Ph.D. in the year 1998.

Its most popular feature is the google search voice which is now used worldwide. 

The Search by Voice is a Google product that allows users to use Google Search by speaking on a mobile phone or computer, i.e.

have the device search for data upon entering information on what to search into the device by speaking.

To get more gist on the this post, and what on how you need to access and use it, please read further.

Requirement to Access and Use Google Voice Search

You see there are some things you need to do for you to successfully access and use google voice search. The list of the items you must get first is listed underneath.

·   First of all and most importantly you must get a device that can access and use the internet smoothly without any issues.

·   Secondly get an active data connection. Sources of data connection include through the use of modem, mobile hotspot or cellular data.

·   And lastly, you must get an active data subscription from the source of the data connection

That’s it, everything you need to get to start accessing and using the platform.

When you have successfully obtained all of the above items then you can proceed with accessing and using google voice search

How to Access and Make Use of the Search

Right now we are going to learn how you can access and use the google voice search. But before then fully charge and boot the device you got.

After booting make sure that there is an active data connection and an active data subscription, then continue with the points listed underneath

When you are sure that there is an active data connection then locate your device browser and open it. On the search bar of the browser simply type in the URL and search.

On the new web page just click on the microphone icon on the search bar, wait for a text saying speak now then speak what you want to search and that’s it

You are done…

Hope this was helpful, thanks for your time….

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