How to Set up a Business Facebook Page – Create a Business Page to Promote your Business

Filed in Social Media by on May 18, 2020 0 Comments

How to Set up a Business Facebook Page – Create a Business Page to Promote your Business

Creating a business Facebook page is not something that can’t be achieved by all.

How to Set up a Business Facebook Page

To begin with the page set up, all that will be required are photos, text, and ideas to build your page and get it running ASAP.

Everything as said is often possible and having your mind made up on achieving a thing is a good way to start with.

How do I Set Up a Business Facebook Page

To get started, you will by now own your personal facebook account if you have done that, and  you are ready to set up your page, there is a need to sign in to your personal Facebook account for easy access.

How to Set up a Business Facebook Page

To begin with, you can sign up for your Facebook business page, by login into your personal Facebook account.

Sign up by visiting

  • After that, select the type of page you want to create either business/brand or community/public figure. For any of the options you choose, tap on the “Get Started” button.
  • Once that is done, enter your business information. Note; on your page name use your business name or the name people are likely to search for when trying to find your business.
  • Next is the category section, select category once our business consist of a category options, Then you will have to choose the one your customers will easily remember. Once you choose your category, the box will expand to ask for a few further details, like your address and phone number. You can choose whether to make this information public, or to show only your city and state.
  • Next accept the Facebook’s pages, groups, and events policies
  • Lastly on this section, click on the “Continue” button.

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Upload Pictures

At this stage of the page creation, you are to upload a picture for profile and cover images and make sure your picture goes along side with your business brand for easy recognition a business logo could go a long way.

Upload first your profile image. This image comes with your business name in search results and also appears on the top left of your Facebook page when you interact with users.

After choosing your desired photo, tap on “Upload Profile Picture”.

Next, select your cover image, and tap on “Upload a Cover Photo”

Get a Unique Username

A username also referred to as vanity URL discloses how your intending and existing customers or business partners can locate you on Facebook.

The chosen username should be easy to type and recall. Once you are done creating a username,

tap “Create Page @Username in the left menu to set up your vanity URL.

Next, create page Username dialog, then, tap “Create Username”. A box will be displayed, showing you the links people can use to connect with your business on Facebook and Messenger.

Add Your Business Information

This step is extremely vital to fill out all the fields in your Facebook page’s here, the important information about your business from the start to the finish

should not be left out as customer makes use of does details to know more about your business.

Adding your business information will need you to click the Edit Page Info located in the top menu.

Below are the Important information that will be required from you

Description: you will have to say in a short note what your business is about the description is the first thing to capture the mind of your customer as it is the first to appears in search results.

Categories; This entails a high-level business area that helps to organize business terms you will see the category you choose in the beginning of How to Set up a Business Facebook Page above .

If you like, you can add more categories here, so Facebook shows your page to all the right people.

Add the contact details you want to make public like your website, email, or phone number.

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Add location if you have a physical storefront or office. Ensure that your location is correctly marked on the map. Also, you can add your service area, to enable people to know where you deliver to.

Specify your business hours; If you deem it necessary, you can enter your, price range, and privacy policy link.

Tap “Save Changes” under each section to implement your change.

Say More About your Product

At the process of creating a page, you get to the point where you can add a longer description of your business.

to achieve that, you will have to click on “See More” in the left menu, then also click on the “About” section after that, click on our story “Our Story” on the right-hand side.

Enter a headline and text for your story, thereafter, upload a relevant photo. Once you are done, tap “Publish”.

Create Post

Once you have gotten to this stage, you will write valuable content that uou can publish.

Here, you can either create some of your own posts or share relevant content relating to what you are into.

Publish your Page

The last and finally stage on this is to publish this content all you have to do is to, click on the “Publish Page” this will make your page go live thereby, reaching a lot of audience.

Invite an Audience

Once it has gone live then, you can now start inviting your existing Facebook friends to like your page others ways to publicize is to make use of other media platform like your website and Twitter, to promote it.

Other ways is to add “Follow us” logos on your promotional materials and email signature and can also ask customers to review your page to engage your new page.

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