Transfer Music to Your iPod -Guide to Transfer Music to Your iPod

Filed in Social Media by on December 12, 2019 0 Comments

Guide to Transfer Music to Your iPod

If you are new to the world of Digital Tunes and have a pressing need to know how to transfer music to your ipod from iTones.


You are at the right place, the most important benefits of digital tunes is the ability to send around musicals albums and play them on your iPod from everywhere you find yourself.

 If  you have got songs from the iTunes store, or have used the iTunes software program for your audio CDs, you’ll need to sync them for your iPod for that final time.

Transfer Music to Your iPod – How to Connect your iPod

You must make sure your iTunes software is updated before you can connect the iPod to your computer. If you have not installed it already on your computer, use this  iTunes website to get it download

  • Connect the iPod to your computer using the provided dock connector.
  • Launch the iTunes software
  • Under the Devices section in the left window pane, click your iPod.

How to Automatically Transfer Music

Use the guide below for automatic sync method

  • First, click on Music at the top of the main iTunes screen.
  • Ensure the Sync Music option is enabled
  • Then, click the check box next to it if not.
  • If you want to transfer all your music, click the radio button next to Entire music option.
  • On the other hand, to pick songs from your iTunes library, click the radio button next to selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.
  • Finally to begin the transfer of your music to your iPod, click Apply to start syncing.

Guide to Configure ITunes for  Manual Music Transfer

For you to have take charge over how iTunes syncs music to your iPod, all you need first is to configure the software to manually transfer your music.

  • Click on the Summary menu tab at the top of the main iTunes screen.
  • Enable the Manually manage music option.
  • Then, click Apply.

To Manually Transfer Music

Once you have configured your iTunes for manual music transfer, This simple steps will guide you on how to select songs and sync them to your iPod.

  • Click Music in the left pane under the Library
  • Then to transfer manually, you will have to drag and drop songs from the main iTunes window to the iPod icon in the left pane under Devices. But if  you need to select multiple tracks, all you’ve got to do is to  hold down the Ctrl key (for Mac use the Cmd key) and select your songs then drag a group of songs to your iPod.
  • Finally, for you to sync iTunes playlists with your iPod, drag and drop these onto the iPod icon in the left pane.

Thanks for Reading…..

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