Twitter Account Creation – How to Enable Twitter Night Mode

Filed in Social Media by on April 20, 2020 0 Comments

Twitter Account Creation -Twitter Night Mode, How to Enable Twitter Night Mode

Twitter being one of the most used social communicating network services has a whole lot of features that could keep you totally informed about the platform.


Life on the internet is never bored with Twitter. As a user, you would you have a liberty to get news on entertainment, comment on sports, games, make friends and more.

Here, you must not be a professional on a particular thing you can often start for the first time and become an expert as time passes by i.e you are

not going to be blogger before you can make known your idea to the world or tweet photos, either.

With twitter, user can very well be a there you can tweet videos, GIFs, links, photos and also text.

Here, with twitter, other social media service can be logged into with your twitter account which can be done by choosing to log in with your twitter account.

Twitter Night Mode

Twitter Night Mode as a feature was provided to enable users get to make use Twitter in dark environs.

If you are always awake at night, and can’t get some rest probably, you want to get some amazing news or update on Twitter.

And due to the brightness of your phone screen you got exhausted and didn’t know what do.

Twitter got you covered with the Twitter Night Mode, your that particular problem is settled

The feature was made available to aid user use their device even in dark environs.

Thus, twitter night mode tones down all of the bright shades distress the eyes.

Replacing them with a darker one that allows you to enjoy your experience with little light automatically available saving you from stress.

Steps on How to Enable Twitter Night Mode

Users are advised to follow these steps carefully so as to get an accurate result.

  • Open your twitter app
  • Click on your profile image at the top left corner of the page
  • There is a night mode switch there
  • Click on it turn it on. To put it off, click on the switch also.

Twitter Account Creation

Twitter, being one of the most popular social networking platforms that enables users be updated as they also communicate with friends, colleagues, acquaintances, professionals from all feed of life.

  • Visit Twitter Homepage and check for Sign up
  • Once you are at the sign up page, enter your details like; Name, email address and your preferred password N/B an email address will be for one twitter account then, select a username
  • Your username is what you will use every time you post a message or engage with someone on Twitter and that is what you will be identified with. To choose a username make sure is one that best describes you or your area of  interests.
  • Once you are done, Verify if your details are correct, and click ‘Create My Account’.

Note; you might be asked to key in a security code to get to complete. If your account is created, is time to find and follow accounts that you find

interesting and also let your friends with existing Twitter accounts know that you’ve joined twitter community.

Twitter Account Creation- How to Change Twitter Handle

You can change your twitter handle using this procedure below;

  • Visit and login to twitter account and go “Settings and privacy” through your profile icon drop-down menu.
  •  Beneath the Account, click the text box beside “Username” and type a new username in the space. If the username is already taken, Twitter will prompt you to make a new one. If the username is available, you’ll see a green Available notification.
  • Once you are done click on “Save changes” located at the bottom of the screen.

How to Change Twitter Handle on Twitter’s Mobile App

  • Open it and click on your profile icon, then select “Settings and privacy”.
  • And click on “Account”, afterwards click “Username”.
  • Then, beneath”New”, type in a new Twitter handle. If you need help, twitter provides answer to it.

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