YouTube Video on Facebook – Tips on How to Share YouTube Video on Facebook

Filed in Social Media by on May 29, 2020 1 Comment

YouTube Video on Facebook – Tips on How to Share YouTube Video on Facebook


Sharing of YouTube video in Facebook is very important, knowing how to share the video on Facebook is good because Facebook users might find the video interesting and educating.

YouTube Video on Facebook


If there are trending video that you would like to share or inform friends you can do that by sharing the video on FB.

On finishing this post, you will learn everything about YouTube videos sharing on Facebook, but before you can get that done you must have an account with both platforms.

YouTube Video on Facebook

If you finished watching a video on YouTube that you think will be good to show your friends. I think facebook has always been an amazing platform to get that done within minutes.

The platform has been a perfect place to show a video to the maximum number of friends in the minimum amount of time because there are millions of users out there on facebook. Lets get to see below how will can share,

Share YouTube Video in Facebook

Once you have decided to share your video on facebook there will be a link provided to share videos on YouTube using the share button that will be a link from your YouTube channel.

With that, when viewers click on the link they will be directed to YouTube and watch the video there. You can simply download the video from YouTube and then post it on your timeline and have more likes and views.

How to Share YouTube Video in Facebook

Once you have downloaded the YouTube video you can possible post it on your timeline or friend’s timeline, and also your story.

If you do not know how to download these videos to post it on Facebook, I have made provision below on how you can download the YouTube video.

YouTube Video Free Download Software

You can download videos from YouTube for free and upload it on the Facebook platform at will. You can use the following site below to download YouTube videos for free. Below are the sites you can download YouTube videos:

you can get to download a video using those sites listed above…

How to Download YouTube Videos Online

The instruction below will guide you on how to Download YouTube Videos

  • Go to YouTube and search for the video you want to download.
  • Then copy the link of the video.
  • After that, visit one of the YouTube download sites once it loads up paste the link in the empty search box been displayed above the page.
  • Now you might click search or download.
  • Them the video will be displayed, when it displays just hit the download button.

Once that is done, the video will be automatically downloaded on your device.

How to Post In Facebook

after you have finished downloading the video,  you can then post in Facebook using the guide line below;

  • First login to your Facebook account.
  • Then on the “what’s in your mind” bar click it.
  • Now upload the video, if you wish to add a description to it, then you can.
  • Once you have done that then choose if you also want to appear in your Facebook story.
  • When done then click post, your video will immediately be posted on Facebook.

With that above, you have will upload the video successfully….

How do I send a private message to a Facebook Page?

You can only send a private message to Pages that have turned on messaging. To send a private message to a Page:
  • Click Send Message below the Page’s cover photo.
  • Type your message and press enter to send.
If you don’t see the option to message a Page, it means the Page has turned off this feature. To contact a Page with messages turned off, you may be able to post on the Page.



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  1. Eddy Abasiada says:

    Thanks for sharing, I have been struggling to do this

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